Musicals · Musicals on TV · Videos

You’ll ‘Freeze Your Brain’ watching these Riverdale clips

Hello everyone! I’m back from Spring Break ready to bring you all the newest articles and videos that I’ve missed this week! So there were understandably a lot of stories that were published last week while I wasn’t writing, so I’m doing my best to comb through them and find the ones that I would have written about when they were published initially. That being said there were more than my usual three, so some of it may go into next week as well depending on which articles I liked the most.

To start off I’m going to talk about the musical episode of Riverdale because they did a Heathers: The Musical episode last week. I’ve been listening to the soundtrack on repeat for about a week now and I love it, so when I saw after the fact that there was a Heathers episode of Riverdale I got excited! I’ve only seen the first season of Riverdale so I know the characters, but not really what’s going on this season, but I just watched the musical numbers on YouTube and they were really good! Of course there were some lyric changes to make it appropriate for television, but more lyrics were kept than I thought. I’ll link some of the YouTube videos I watched below so that y’all can watch too and see what I’m talking about!

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To start I really only looked at the videos of songs that I knew, which is why I chose these 5 videos to link to. I want to start from the beginning because I think that Beautiful is really well done and choreographed. I liked that there were different groups all singing Veronica’s parts, it was a smart way to do this. Going then to Candy Store, which is personally one of my favorite songs in the entire show, and I love how it’s done!! I could watch this video literally all day because I feel like they hit all the right points that I was expecting, which is great. On to Dead Girl Walking, which I saw the most difference in lyrics, but it’s such a jam I had to include it. Big Fun is also a song that I can jam to and always get the melody stuck in my head for hours! Plus the party scene is always a fun one. Lastly Seventeen which I think was honestly my favorite video to watch, which was surprising. I love that they’ve made it a duet between the two couples and I think that Cole Sprouse has an amazing voice, which I was surprised by, and I wish I could find more from this episode of him singing!

That’s all I have for today, leave me a comment below and tell me which musical you’d like to see your favorite TV show put on! Until next time, sing loud, dance hard, and love Broadway.

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